Funny Prank Pictures …Number 6 Is Pure Genius!
Are you a prankster on the lookout for some fresh ideas, or maybe you’re the victim of someone who is and so are looking for some payback. Either way, pranks should always be harmless. So here are a variety of hysterical yet innocent pranks that are bound to cause laughter for everyone involved.

1.We don’t know how long this must have taken to set up! But looking at the amount of cup meticulously laid out the person was very dedicated to the prank.

2. All wrapped up. This driver is going to have fun trying to drive away in this state.

3.This looks like a hilarious office prank on a fellow college.

4.That is a lot of noodle boxes!

5.This is a nice and easy prank, that will take seconds to set up, but will have a brilliant outcome!

6.This one is pure genius. Possibly the funniest of them all.

7. This is another prank that must have taken hours to complete. But brilliant for everyone involved. Id love to run down this corridor, it’s like a giant balloon/ball pit for adults.

8. Another brilliant prank to play at work. Set it up to look like the cubicle is occupied and then wait to see how long people wait. Hopefully it doesn’t cause any accidents.

9. Its hard enough as it is find your car in a car park, let alone if your mates play this prank. Now you see it, not you don’t
You’ve just read, Funny Prank Pictures. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.