Facts That Will Make You Uncomfortable
1.Your skeleton is wet
2.The chance of you dying on your birthday is 6.7% higher than other days
3.You have no idea how much you have forgotten
4.A lions tongue is so rough it can like your skin off
5. You’ve most likely escaped death in your life several times already

6.Wasps can remember people’s faces
7.The average person walks by 6 murders in their lifetime
8/Red dye in your favourite candy is often made with crushed up beetles
10.There are colours humans can’t see or even imagine.
11.You jerk yourself awake while sleeping because your body thinks it’s dead; your brain is checking you’re alive
12.There are things called eyelash mites that live on people’s faces, and you probably have them.
13.Over 1,600 people have gone missing in US National Parks, never to be seen again.
14. A jellyfish’s mouth is also its anus.
15.Only 43% of the total cells in your body are actually a part of you. More than half of ‘you’ is foreign bacteria, viruses, and fungi

16.A typical jar of peanut butter contains 10 or more rodent hairs, averaging one or more rodent hairs per 100 grams.
17.Figs aren’t considered vegan because they have dead wasps inside.
18. Ancient Romans used urine as mouthwash
19.Some species of octopus eat their arms when they get bored
20.Mortgage comes from a french word meaning ‘death contract’
21.60% of people can’t have a 10 minute conversation without telling at least one lie
22.Your cellphone has 10 times more bacteria on it than the average public restroom
23. In the 1800’s, dentures were made out of the real teeth of deceased people.
24.Never say you’re being “eaten alive” by mosquitoes again! Scaphism was an ancient form of torture where they used to rubbed honey over the exposed parts of the victim to ensure insects and bugs ate away at the flesh.
25. At this exact moment in time, you’re currently the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be.
You’ve just read, Facts That Will Make You Uncomfortable. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.