20 Facts That Could Save Your Life & Others
1. The universal emergency number for cellphones/mobile phones worldwide 112
2.Need to break a car window? Aim for the edges/corners, not the center where the glass is the strongest.
3.You need to CHEW an Asprin if you take one thinking you are having a heart attack
4.If you’re in a pool and there’s a metallic taste in your mouth, get out! There’s an electrical short somewhere in the water.
5.If you are trapped in a fire in a building, stoop low: the breathable air will be near the floor

6.If you’re in a crowded space, take note of the exits so in a case of an emergency you can get out faster.
7.When walking downstairs, don’t put your hands in your pockets.
8.Super glue can help close up small cuts if you are in a dire emergency (obviously band aids are better)
9.Keep your car keys by your bedside table. If an intruder breaks in you can press the panic button on your car to scare them off
10. If you get caught in a rip tide swim parallel to the shore to get out of it.
11. Baking soda can help put out fires in a pinch
12.If your house smells like fish for absolutely no reason, 9 times out of 10 it means that there is an electrical fire
13.If a tornado looks like it’s not moving, it’s actually moving towards you. RUN for cover!
14.If you’re ever at a party and your drink tastes unusually salty, do not continue drinking it. Rohypnol is reported to have a salty taste.
15.If you or someone gets stabbed, do not take the knife out. It acts as a plug to the hole and prevents blood loss. Apply pressure to the wound and call the police

16.If a powerline falls next to you, do not walk or run. Shuffles your feet along the ground making sure not to lift your feet up.
17.Always sleep with your door closed. Keeping your bedroom door closed can slow the spread of a house fire, as well as reduce toxic smoke levels.
18.If your poop or vomit looks like coffee grounds, go to the hospital immediately. It could mean you’re bleeding internally
19.If your ever underwater and cant tell which way is up (knocked around by a wave) just blow a few bubbles out as they always go up
20.You can still dial 911 if you have no signal
You’ve just read, Facts That Could Save Your Life. Why not read Obituary for the “death of common sense”.