Everyday Objects That Look Like Something Else
Ever looked at something and seen something else? This is called Pareidolia. It is the tendancy for incorrect preception of an object or thing, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns or hearing hidden messages in music. It is perfectly normal as we are primed to see faces in all sorts of everyday objects. Check out some of these objects below, most of these camouflages are so good, they might require a double take!
1.These coatis with their tails in the air look like tiny dinosaurs

2.This cute doggy looks like a polar bear during bathtime

3.Urm I don’t think anyone will want to eat this muffin.

4.This rose bedding isn’t as romantic as you’d first assume.

5.Clouds can take on many different shapes, this one looks like a feather.

6.That’s one way to give yourself a heart attack

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