Entitled People Wanted Discount For Most Ridiculous Reasons
1.This person from US is insistent they deserve a discount as an apology for The American Revolution

2.This guy is wondering if he is the bad one for being upset he wasn’t allowed to buy a guitar he REALLY WANTED despite only wanted to pay half price.

u/JoShM00R3 / Reddit
3.They wanted the seller to remove the packaging so it wasn’t ‘NEW’ and therefore be cheaper?!

4.Imagine getting annoyed that someone didn’t buy your sob story and then admitting it was a lie anyway

5.This person wanted a $6,000 discount on a car because it’s Christmas, then swore at them for declining their offer

u/Terrifiedspork / Reddit
6.This person is shocked that they couldn’t get discount despite it being their Sons birthday

Photo Credit – u/Love_Summer / Reddit
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