Dogs That Just Don’t Understand How BIG They Are
Just like the saying no matter how old they get your children are always your babies, the same applies to dogs. However in these cases the dogs have grown up a lot and most are bigger than their owners…. which isnt a problem except they still act like pups.
1.This little fellow certainly grew up to be a big boy, One Year Old Today. 97 Pounds. 31 Inches Tall

2.How cute is it to see a 85lb Dog Scared Of a little 1.5lb Foster Kitten

3.Look at this good doggy sitting nicely at the vets waiting for their turn.

4. Aww this big boy still likes to carry around his winnie the pooh teddy

5.Wow what a huge teddy bear hug, the dog is towering over this guy!

6. This 93 Lb German Shepherd Is Pretty Pleased With The Amount Of Inconvenience He’s Causing to his Mom

You’ve just read,Dogs That Just Don’t Understand How BIG They Are. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.