Customers Who Prove Retail Workers Deserve Medals

Customers Who Prove Retail Workers Deserve Medals

Customers Who Prove Retail Workers Deserve Medals

Story 1
A woman came into my restaurant looking for her friends who were already there. The place is small, and you can see every seat from the front door. I hand her a menu, and say, “Take a look, they’ve gotta be here.”
She looks at me, then at the menu in fear and confusion. I ask her what’s wrong. She says, “How do you have a map of where everyone is sitting?” She thought we live-printed maps every time someone new came through the doors.
canadianpale*** / Reddit

Story 2
“I have a coupon for a free sandwich, but I don’t know where it is.”
“So… You don’t have a coupon?”
“No, I said that I have a coupon but. I. don’t. know. where. it. is!!!!!!”
This argument lasted long enough to get the manager out of her office, in part because of how ridiculous it was.
NeedsMoreTuba / Reddit

Story 3
The ice dispenser broke at the fast food joint I used to work at. As a temporary fix, we set out a serving bowl full of ice with tongs. A customer comes up to me to complain that the machine isn’t dispensing ice.
I say, “A repair guy was called, but he’s not here yet. There’s a bowl next to the soda fountain, so you can still get ice.”
The guy immediately gets an attitude about it, “How do I know that ice hasn’t been sitting out there all day?”
I stare at him for a good few seconds before saying, “Because it’s still solid.”
“If left out at room temperature ’old ice’ would just be water.”
He said, “I want to speak with your manager.”
CentSG2 / Reddit

Story 4
I made lentil soup for the kitchen I worked in as a teen, but I put the carrots in later than I should have and so they still had a slight crunch when the first customer bought a cup. He stormed back in after a few minutes and demanded his money back because he was going to get food poisoning from eating an uncooked carrot.
Unknown author / Reddit

Story 5
We had a guy come in once very angry because we messed up his coffee. Instead of sweetener, we added sugar. He was throwing a hissy fit claiming he’d a diabetic and that spoonful of sugar would have surely killed him had he ingested more than one gulp of the coffee. My manager offered him any other item on the menu for free. Buddy decides he wants a dozen donuts. No problem. I pack up the dozen, hand it to him. He then proceeds to eat not one, not two, but three lard-sugar-fat glazed donuts in front of my eyeballs even though he just claimed he was severely diabetic.
o**gcheesecake / Reddit

You’ve just read,  Customers Who Prove Retail Workers Deserve Medals. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.