Customers Leaves A Tip So Small That It Felt Insulting

Customers Leaves A Tip So Small That It Felt Insulting

Customers Leaves A Tip So Small That It Felt Insulting …But Then Delivery Driver Opens Their Note

After delivering a $22.67 pizza order, Reddit user Drewbacca felt disappointed when he received a mere $0.33 tip, which amounted to less than 2%. As someone who’s familiar with the food service industry, Drew knew that a reasonable tip should be at least 15%, and many experienced workers in the field receive even higher tips. Despite the disappointing tip, Drew remained composed, simply smiled, and continued with his evening.

The following day, Drew was taken aback when the seemingly stingy customers went out of their way to reach him and sent the following note.

The cupcake was just a ruse, but there was a gift inside along with an apology explaining a tip so small it was almost insulting.

Okay, well maybe I don’t really have a cupcake for you – But how about that tip from last night? We would like to apologize for our impaired math skills and to thank you for the work you do. We appreciate it immensely!
-Tom and Jenn”

Drew’s tip just shot up from less than 2% to nearly 100% of the bill! If you’ve ever had a delivery job in the United States, then you know that tips are a driver’s livelihood and many employers do not provide a salary that sufficiently covers mileage, vehicle wear, and a reasonable standard of living.

Food service employees are so often treated like soulless automatons, it’s a pleasant surprise to find customers that treat them like actual people. Thank you Tom and Jenn for helping restore a little faith in humanity!

Photo Credit – Drewbacca/Reddit
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