Celebrities And Their Doppelgangers From The Past
Take a look at these celebrities who look just the same as influential people from the past!
1.Jennifer Lawrence Vs. Zubaida Tharwat
You’d be forgiven for thinking that both these pictures are of Jennifer Lawrence. However the right picture is actually Egyptian actress Zubaida Tharwat in the early 1960s.

2.Halle Berry Vs. Dorothy Dandridge
These glamorous ladies have more in common than just being nominated for Academy Awards.

3.Bruce Willis Vs. General Douglas MacArthur
It is hard to understand how these two men aren’t related at all.The General was the Chief of Staff of the United States Army in the 1930s.

4.Liam Neeson Vs. Fidel Castro
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro has a very similar face to Neeson

5.Zach Galifianakis Vs. Louis Vuitton
Nobody would think to connect actor Zach Galifianakis with fashion designer Louis Vuitton without this photo. Cant deny there is a strong resemblance despite the age difference.

6.Rupert Grint Vs. Sir David Wilkie
Actor Rupert Grint, who is best known as Ron Weasley’s looks remarkably like Wilkie a Scottish painter

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