
Empty toilet roll

Empty toilet roll.

What’s four inches long and drives a woman crazy? A freakin’ empty toilet roll! Oh how I hate to walk into a bathroom and find just the cardboard roll there, it really aggravates me! The people in my house often leave an empty toilet roll or with just a tiny bit on, about two sheets. […]

Empty toilet roll. Read More »

Favourite child

Favourite child.

It turns out that when you’re asked who your favourite child is, you’re expected to pick from your own. I know that now! In every family there is the arguement of who is the favourite child and who is ‘loved more’ or spoilt. It’s hard to be fair in this situation as every child is

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I'm about 5 pounds away

I’m about 5 pounds away.

I’m about 5 pounds away from google maps listing me as a roundabout. How many people does this relate to? This lock down is hitting me hard. I feel like because I’m bored and home all day I’m constantly raiding the fridge and snacking! Honestly I just can’t stop eating, if it goes on much

I’m about 5 pounds away. Read More »

Life is a high way

Life is a high way.

‘Life is a high way’, I obviously took the dirt road. I’m not exactly complaining. As I am sure that many people have it much much worse. But when it comes to the saying ‘life is a high way’ I definitely didn’t get the memo. Because rather than the smooth open roads of a high

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you've got to stay positive

You’ve got to stay positive.

As you get older you’ve got to stay positive.For example, the other day I fell down the stairs…Instead of getting upset I just thought, ‘Wow, that’s the fastest I’ve moved in years.’ As I said before there are many downsides to getting old. Not that getting old should be seen as a bad thing. But

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Referring to age as 'levels'

Referring to age as levels.

We should start Referring to age as levels.Because ‘I’m at level 50’ sounds much cooler than just being an old person. As the old saying goes age is just a number. But it is awfully annoying as it keeps creeping up year after year. Like a ticking time bomb that can be very destressing for

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hate when cashiers

Hate when cashiers.

I hate when cashiers feel the need to check if my money is real. If I could counterfeit money I wouldn’t be at the dollar store! I know it is part of their job and obviously it is company policy. Of course it is not down to them. But I really hate when cashiers check

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Can't walk past a bathroom

Can’t walk past a bathroom.

You know you’re getting old when you can’t walk past a bathroom without thinking,“I may as well pee while I’m here” There are many many MANY downsides to getting old but I have to say the lack of bladder control has to be one of the worst! It’s like being a child again have having

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