
Life is hard

Life is hard.

Life is hard… But when you fall down pick yourself up and say who the hell pushed me? Life is hard there is no denying that. But it’s the way you deal with situations that dictates how you get through life. The main thing is that you never give up and don’t get beaten down […]

Life is hard. Read More »

Only two faults

Only two faults.

My wife says I have only two faults. I don’t listen and some other stuff she was rattling on about. I love my wife with all my heart. But she really does just waffle on and on and on. Always chewing my ear off about something or other. I have to admit that most of

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Out of sight out of mind

Out of sight out of mind.

Whoever said “out of sight out of mind”Never had a spider disappear in the bedroom. I’m not sure where the saying came from in the first place. Because I don’t think it really works out like that for many situations in life to be honest. But the case in which Out of sight out of

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lose something

When I lose something.

9 out of 10 times when I lose something… It’s because I put it away somewhere safe. I literally have no idea what happens to it! I don’t put things away in a ‘safe place’ they get lost. So I decide to put them away and they still get lost. That is until I don’t

When I lose something. Read More »

I wish I loved exercise

I wish I loved exercise.

I wish I loved exercise as much as I love drinking wine and eating. There are two types of people in this world. People who like to exercise and those that don’t. Unfortunately I am in the DO NOT category. I wish I did, I really do. Because people seem to like to talk about

I wish I loved exercise. Read More »

When I see an old person

When I see an old person.

I hate it when I see an old person then realise we went to high school together. It really hits home just how old we are getting. We are constantly saying about how time it flying and the years are rolling round so quick, but when you still feel young at heart and are still

When I see an old person. Read More »

Smart people

Smart people.

Smart cars, Smart TV’s, Smart phones… when will they start making smart people? With all the technology we have now a days, why are there still so many idiots walking around? We can make smart TVs, smart phones, even have smart cars that can drive themselves.. where are the smart people? Robots can go around

Smart people. Read More »

You call it 'road rage'

You call it ‘road rage’.

You call it ‘road rage’ I call it ‘agressively maneuvering around idiots who don’t know how to drive’. I don’t know about you, but being behind a wheel is very stressful. Especially since half the people on the road don’t actually know how to drive. I mean, how any of them passed their drivers test

You call it ‘road rage’. Read More »

what's wrong with my brain

What’s wrong with my brain.

OMG I have finally discovered what’s wrong with my brain.On the left side, there’s nothing right,and on the right side, there’s nothing left. For a while I have been wondering what is wrong with my brain, but then it hit me. On the left side, there’s nothing right. This probably explains why I’m always being

What’s wrong with my brain. Read More »