
I see people my age

I see people my age.

I see people around my age mountain climbing… I feel good about getting my leg through my underwear with out losing my balance. Sometimes I wondered if I am just old before my time, or very unfit. Because I see people my age running marathons and climbing mountains. Then here I am struggling to put […]

I see people my age. Read More »

finally figure out

Finally figured out.

I finally figured out what I want to be when I get older… …younger! When I was younger I was always baffled by this question. You are always asked it growing up, especially in high school when you are a teen. I wondered what they wanted the answer to be? How was I meant to

Finally figured out. Read More »

mom im sorry

Mom I’m sorry.

Mom, I’m sorry for all the things I did when I was a kid. Will you please take off the curse that my kids will be ten times worse than me? I can’t take it any more. I used to wonder why my Mom used to say ‘you just wait’. Like what does she mean.

Mom I’m sorry. Read More »



Smile. It makes people wonder what you are up to! If there is one thing that scares people more than anything, it’s if you just sit there smiling. It makes them worry what you are up to. Or they worry about what you have done, or maybe what you are thinking. Especially if you just

Smile. Read More »

It's ok to talk yourself

It’s ok to talk yourself.

It’s ok to talk yourself it’s even ok to answer yourself… but when you ask yourself to repeat what you just said – you have a problem. I have actually found that some of the best conversations I’ve ever had have actually been with myself. The sad thing is that I’m not even joking haha

It’s ok to talk yourself. Read More »

Call it a year

Call it a year.

Everything for summer is canceled, may as well just put up the christmas tree and call it a year! I don’t know if anyone else feels the same. But literally we had a love christmas and a new year, then suddenly come eend of January everything started going downhill. Like we hadn’t even been able

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Say what I think

Say what I think.

Of course I always say what I think… that’s why I’m always in trouble! I really do not see the point in keeping quiet and not speaking out when it is needed. I always say what I think, even if it does cause me to get into trouble. I’d rather be too honest than be

Say what I think. Read More »

pirate ship

Pirate ship.

Some parents run a tight ship, I run a pirate ship.There is some swearing, some drinking, and some mutiny from the tiny raiders I produced! I like to think I’m very laid back and a very relaxed, carefree Mum. I like to think I have it all under control and that I am the one

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When I have kids

When I have kids.

‘When I have kids they will never….’ Spoler alert: They will… oh, they will! You hear this time and time again as you get older. I am happy to admit I said this pre-kids. When I was young and stupid and had no idea what I was talking about. Before kids you picture this amazing

When I have kids. Read More »