Blows Raspberry On Pregnant Wife’s Belly

Blows Raspberry On Pregnant Wife’s Belly

Dad Blows Raspberry On Pregnant Wife’s Belly. What Happens Next Is Too Good

It’s perfectly normal for pregnant mothers to feel their baby move around in their belly. In fact, most mothers will say that those moments – where they can feel their baby kick, twist, and squirm – are the most rewarding of the nine months. Fetal movement is most common during the third trimester, when things in the womb start to get a little crowded. And because the baby is growing bigger and stronger, their movements are more noticeable and a bit more jarring.

This is great because partners can finally get a chance to feel and see their little one move. Meaning they can be more involved and really bond with baby. As well as baby getting to recognise and know familiar voices and sounds ready for when they make an entrance into the big wide world.

In the video below, a very pregnant mother relaxes on the couch while Dad makes playful noises on her tummy. When Dad blows a raspberry on her belly, the baby is quick to react, leaving the soon-to-be-parents in a fit of giggles. Check out the brief clip we promise you wont be disappointed!


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