Blonde Woman Decides To Dye Her Hair

Blonde Woman Decides To Dye Her Hair

Blonde Woman Decides To Dye Her Hair …This Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

A blonde girl wants to know what life is like as a brunette girl, so she goes to the hairdresser and has her hair dyed brown.

Eager to the world her newly acquired intelligence, she goes on a walk and meets a shepherd with his flock.

“Excuse me sir.” she says “If I guess how many sheep are in your flock can I have one?”

The shepherd thinks it over and thinks she’ll never get the number right, as it was a decent sized flock.

Blonde (now of course with dyed hair) looks at the flock, walks a bit here and there, really concentrates and says “457”.

Shepherd is shocked, she got the number right, but a promise is a promise.

He grumbles that she is free to pick one and take it.

As our heroine is putting her prize in the car shepherd comes running.

“Excuse me miss”, he pants, “If I guess your true hair colour can I have my dog back?”

You’ve just read, Blonde Woman Decides To Dye Her Hair. Why not read Old Man Goes To Purchase Hearing Aids.
