America’s Famous Physical Therapists Reveal This.

America’s Famous Physical Therapists Reveal This.

America’s Famous Physical Therapists Reveal This…. 4 Things That Happen Before A Heart Attack

About 610,000 people die of heart disease every single year – almost 1 in 3. It is the leading cause of death for both men and women, so clearly we need to do something about this.

That’s why “Famous” Physical Therapists Bob & Brad put together this potentially life-saving video. “These 4 Things Happen Right Before  A Heart Attack.” It doesn’t matter if you don’t smoke, drink and run 5 miles – you are still at risk.

Brad says that he suspected he was having a heart attack himself. Thankfully he was ok and it was a false alarm. But illiterates that you must get checked over if you at  any point feel unwell. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Not only does this video tell you exactly what to look out for, it also covers what to do and prevention advice – everything you will ever need to know in one clip. 

Make sure to watch all the way to the end, you’ll learn more than you ever thought possible about heart disease and heart attacks. Considering almost one out of every three die of heart disease, make sure you share this around right now!

Here are the signs

  • Chest Pain. Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest. This can feel like an elephant sitting on your chest. It is one of the main signs of a heart attack but it is still ignored.
  • Pain. This doesn’t have to be limited to just your chest/heart. Pain can be in other places in the body such as the arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back.
  • Cold sweats. Even when you’re resting or at night feeling you can feel clammy or dripping with sweat. Especially noticeable if it is not hot.
  •  Indigestion. This is an easy one to get confused or dismissed. Nausea,, heartburn or abdominal pain can mask a heart attack if you suffer regularly with any of these.

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