Amazing Animal Senses We Wish We Had
As human beings we use every single one of our senses in order to help us understand the world around us. Our sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are our main 5 senses and some of the most important aspects of being alive, as it allows us the chance to really view everything and everyone.
While we believe ourselves to be far more intelligent than animals, due to being at the top of the food chain, compared to other species we are incredibly lacking in our skills. Animals, of course, have similar senses to us, however some of theirs are far more enhanced and very different from anything we can ever imagine. In the most extreme cases, some animals that exist today have truly unusual senses that you could easily consider to be super powers.
Here are some animal senses we truly wish we had.
1.Electrical Bill
The Platypus is a mammal only found in Australia. What makes the mammal so unique is it’s electrical bill, which they use to produce electrical fields when they move. This allows them to locate prey.
Bats are the biggest animal species known to use echolocation in order to hunt their prey and and move swiftly through the night. They use high pitch pulses and then determine the distance by waiting for the sound to return.
Infrared vision has always been a dream of young children everywhere. There are numerous species of snakes that are capable of using infrared to hunt down small mammals, such as mice. They use the vision to sense the thermal radiation a creature emits.

Flowers, believe it or not, use the ultraviolet spectrum in order to draw in bees for pollination. Bees see a wide range of color and light, including blue and green, which is very different from what we as human beings see in the world. They have cells capable of viewing ultraviolet light.
Bees also have a second sensory capability hidden away in their tiny bodies. They are capable of using magnetism to locate their bee hive once they have flown too far away. This allows them to find their own location, too.
6.Super Tastebuds
A lot of animals, including catfish, have their entire bodies covered in sensitive cells that they use for taste. Catfish use 175,000 of those cells in order to taste in every single direction throughout the water around them, allowing them to hunt for prey.
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