All Blue-Eyed People Have This One Thing In Common
Have you ever wondered what blue-eyed people have in common, aside from their striking irises? It turns out that this rare eye color carries a fascinating genetic history – and some unexpected advantages.
While brown eyes are the most common around the world, blue eyes rank as the second most prevalent. However, the story behind this unique trait is anything but ordinary. Evidence suggests that all blue-eyed individuals can trace their ancestry back to a single ancestor who lived between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.
That’s right – everyone with those captivating blue eyes shares a common genetic mutation that “turned off” the ability to produce brown pigment in the iris. This ancient change has resulted in some surprising advantages… and a few drawbacks.
One of the most well-known traits of blue eyes is their increased sensitivity to light. Unlike those with darker irises, who have more melanin to protect the delicate tissues at the back of the eye, blue-eyed individuals lack this natural shield.
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