Adam Is At The Garden Of Eden

Adam Is At The Garden Of Eden

Adam Is At The Garden Of Eden …This Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

So Adam is sitting in the Garden of Eden and he says, “God, I see that all the of the other animals that you have created in this truly perfect world have a companion, a partner, someone to be with, share a life with, and to love. Why is it that I am alone?’

God pauses for a moment, and says ‘You know Adam, I’ll work on that. Be patient, my son, I shall return to you in a week’s time.’

God labours for a week as only a being of such incredible omnipotence can labour, and after much exhausting work, he returns to Adam after a week had passed and reveals to him his creation.

Adam is speechless. After much gaping, he finally finds the words to say “God, she is beautiful, she is truly your most perfect creation. I must ask though, what will this cost me, for surely this cannot be free.’

God says soberly ‘My son. I confess, to have a being of such beauty and grace, you must give me an arm and a leg. I can accept no other payment.’

Adam weighs this for a moment, and then says, ‘How much can I get for a rib?’

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