Proof Bad Letter Spacing Makes All The Difference

Proof Bad Letter Spacing Makes All The Difference

Proof Bad Letter Spacing Makes All The Difference

We are all conscious of how spelling can cause serious problems and embarrassment, but sometimes an apparently insignificant space bar can make all the difference in the world too. All it takes is a few millimetres difference and it can completely change the meaning of the word that you want to present to the readers. For example ‘clicks’ and ‘dicks’

Today we are sharing with you hilarious examples of how bed letter spacing and typography design can ruin (or make hilarious) even the best thought-out text.

1.I’m really not sure this font type is doing this brand of breakfast cereals any favours, I certainly wouldn’t want to have a bowl of breakfast butz!

2.Is this referring to the city or the syndrome, because if its the latter then that is very concerning!

Proof Bad Letter Spacing Makes All The Difference

3.Yes we are aware that men swear sometimes, but is it really necessary to name a shop after it?

4.A very important spiritual message has been ruined up here. A prime example of how spacing is so very important. Is God here or is he no where to be seen?

Proof Bad Letter Spacing Makes All The Difference

5. I’m sorry, what’s broken! I had to do a double take to make sure I had read it right.

6. This one is unfortunate! I’m sure there is no problem with the font or spacing while the door is shut. But once its open it makes for a very uncomfortable reading. It’s a sliding door the rest of the D is at the front leaving what appears to be an I.

7. And just like that I’m no longer hungry!


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