Pitbull Meets Her New Best Friend

Pitbull Meets Her New Best Friend

A Big, One-Eyed Pitbull Meets Her New Best Friend: A Tiny, Fluffy Chick.

When a one-eyed pitbull named Mina woke up from her nap one day, she was confronted with something that she never expected. What greeted her when she opened her eye was a tiny little chick named Salt.

Not knowing how Mina would react, her humans collectively held their breath. Mina is a sweetie, but she’s so much bigger than Salt! What if she stepped on her? Luckily, something much more adorable happened.

Mina seems pretty afraid of Salt, so she’s probably not ready to have any little ones of her own just yet. That’s okay, though. It looks like this chick is more than willing to be patient with the big baby.

The video even came with a cute disclaimer that no-one was hurt in the making of the video. It is so lovely to see such an animal lover doing her best for her pets and caring on their well being. We hope that despite the shaky start that the two of them become new best friends and enjoy each others company.

Source – Sandra Acuna

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