Never Chase Away This Creature

Never Chase Away This Creature

Why You Should Never Chase Away This Creature If You Find One Inside Your House

Why We Should Never Chase Away House Geckos and Lizards

Geckos may seem like unusual creatures, but they offer several benefits that make them more helpful than harmful. Here are five reasons why you should welcome them into your space:

Geckos Help Control Dangerous Insects
Geckos feed on pests like cockroaches, moths, flies, spiders, termites, and wasps, many of which can be harmful. Instead of using harmful chemicals, letting geckos do their job helps keep your home free from these unwanted insects.

Presence of Geckos Means a Healthy, Ecologically-Friendly Garden
If geckos are in your garden, it’s a good sign that the area is ecologically clean. They avoid areas with toxic chemicals, so if geckos are around, it indicates that your garden is free from harmful pesticides.

Geckos Don’t Eat Your Plants
Unlike birds, which may eat fruits or vegetables from your garden, geckos will only feed on insects. They’re beneficial for pest control without damaging your crops.

They Aren’t Dangerous to Humans
Geckos are harmless to humans. They’re not venomous, and although they might bite if threatened, they do not pose a danger. In fact, they help by keeping your space free of pests.

Geckos Can Carry Salmonella, but It’s Easy to Avoid
While geckos can carry salmonella, it’s mainly transmitted through their feces, not through bites. Simply wash your hands and any surfaces they’ve come in contact with, and avoid direct contact like kissing them.

Overall, geckos can be beneficial, providing natural pest control and posing little risk to humans when proper hygiene is maintained.

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