The Meaning Behind Shoes Strung Up On A Power Line
Though I don’t think this phenomenon is as common now as it was when I was a kid, you’ve probably walked or driven through a neighborhood and seen a pair of sneakers tied together by their laces, tossed onto a power line. As a kid, I thought it was just something neighborhood kids did, but I had no idea there were so many theories behind it.
One theory traces back to wartime, where soldiers supposedly tossed their boots upon completing training or finishing their posts. Perhaps this symbolism sparked many of the other theories. There’s also the belief that gangs use shoes on power lines to mark their territory, though this has never been conclusively proven.
Another theory is that seeing sneakers on power lines is a form of bullying. I can think of at least two movies where neighborhood bullies steal a kid’s shoes and throw them up, leaving the kid barefoot. While I’d like to think this theory isn’t widely true, I’m sure there have been instances over the years where this has happened.
The most common theory (and the one I personally believe) is that people throw sneakers onto power lines “just because.” Maybe it’s simply a fun thing to do with an old pair of shoes. And like many behaviours, once people see the first pair tossed up, others follow. To me, this is just an example of kids being kids.
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