Group Of Mischievous Boys Go Cow-Tipping

Group Of Mischievous Boys Go Cow-Tipping

Group Of Mischievous Boys Go Cow-Tipping …This Is Brilliant

A bunch of boys decide to go cow tipping…

They go up to the fence and they are all standing there.

They all point out the closest cow and have one of the boys go tip it over.

The cow falls over and they all laugh.

They find another cow and another kid goes over, tips it, and they laugh.

One of the boys sees a fence a little ways away with a few massive bulls in it.

They all dare one of the kids to tip the bull.

He sneaks up next to the bull and tries to push the bull over.

The bull rocks back and forth a little bit, but nothing.

He runs back to his friends and they are all laughing at him.

The biggest kid decides he will have better luck.

He sneaks up to another bull, takes a lineman’s stance, and slams into this bull as hard as he can.

The bull teeters almost completely sideways and then back, away, and back, but doesn’t tip over.

He runs off back to his friends.

Everyone is laughing, but they can’t figure out why the bull didn’t fall.

The bull was almost completely sideways.

There is no way the bull should have not fallen.

All of a sudden, a bull just on the inside of the fence speaks up,

“You’ll never tip us!”

A kid asks back, “and why is that?”

“We bulls wobble, but we don’t fall down.”

You’ve just read, Group Of Mischievous Boys Go Cow-Tipping. Why not read Man Was Thinking How Lucky He Was