Employees Give Farewell Message To Retiring Boss

Employees Give Farewell Message To Retiring Boss

Employees Give Farewell Message To Retiring Boss …This Is Priceless

The boss is finally old enough to retire from the company.

On his last day of work, he ordered a farewell party for himself.

The boss wanted everyone to express their good feeling about him by writing on the farewell card,

So later he could remember how his staff “miss” him.

Most people are writing standard phrases like,

“Without you, the company will never be the same,”

“We will always remember you,” etc.

Obviously the boss was not satisfied.

“I need something from the bottom of your heart, something really touching, you know.

Okay, John, you have been working with me for the last 20 years.

You are my best staff.

I am retiring now

What do you have to say?”

Slowly but firmly, John wrote, “THE BEST NEWS IN 20 YEARS.”

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