Teacher Asked Children What Jobs Their Parents Had

Teacher Asked Children What Jobs Their Parents Had

Teacher Asked Children What Jobs Their Parents Had …What Little Johnny Said Next Shocked Her

One day at school, the teacher was talking to the class about there parent’s occupations.

Jane put up her hand and said, “My mother is a nurse”.

The teacher said, “That’s wonderful, she helps to cure sick people.”

Andrew then out up his hand. “My father is a pilot,” he said.

The teacher said, “Congratulations! Your father helps people get to where they are going.”

Johnny then said, “Miss, my father plays the piano in a brothel.”

The teacher quickly changed the topic, but kept it in her head for later reference.

At the parent/teacher night a month later Johnny’s parents came to see the teacher and the teacher asked him if he really was a piano player in a brothel.

When she told him what Little Johnny had said, he told her,

“Actually, I’m an attorney, but how am I supposed to explain that to a seven year old?”

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