Man’s Been At The Bar Drinking All Day

Man's Been At The Bar Drinking All Day

Man’s Been At The Bar Drinking All Day …What His Wife Says Next Is Priceless

A man has been drinking alone all day at a bar and checks his clock.

“1:30am, $#!T I need to go home now or my wife’s going to rip my balls off”, thinks to himself.

But as he’s trying to get up, he falls awkwardly to the floor.

“I’m just way too drunk right now, I need to sober up.”

So he asks the barman for a coffee, he drinks it up and 30 minutes later he tries to stand up, but again, falling to the floor, this time, even harder.

At this point he realizes he needs to get home no matter what, so he starts crawling towards his house.

After 40 minutes he gets there, lays down next to his (asleep) wife and passes out.

The next morning his wife wakes him up and starts shouting at him,

“So… how was last night, huh? Was it fun drinking all day?”

The man is 100% sure his wife was asleep when he got home so he tries to play it cool,

“Not really, just hanging with some co-workers… we didn’t drink much… just a couple of beers.”

The woman starts nodding sarcastically and responds, “The bar owner called this morning, your wheelchair’s there, you id0t.”

You’ve just read, Man’s Been At The Bar Drinking All Day . Why not read Blonde Woman Decides To Dye Her Hair.