Guy Stops To Check On Old Man

Guy Stops To Check On Old Man

Guy Stops To Check On Old Man Sat In The Park Alone …What He Says Next Is Brilliant

So… this young guy is walking through a park, when he comes across an old guy sitting on a park bench, crying.

The young guy says “Sir, sir, I see you’re crying, what’s wrong?”

The old guy says “I was sitting here a week ago when this young, beautiful woman came up to me, we started talking and we really liked each other.”

The young guy says “That’s terrific, that’s fantastic, what’s wrong?”

The old guy says “We started kissing and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”

The young guy says “That’s terrific, that’s fantastic, what’s wrong?”

The old guy says “She came back to my place, moved in with me, and now all she wants to do is make love to me 24 hours a day.”

The young guy says “That’s terrific, that’s fantastic, what’s wrong?”

The old guy says “I can’t remember where I live.”

You’ve just read, Guy Stops To Check On Old Man. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.