9-Year-Old ‘Sells’ His Custom Pet Paintings To Buy Food For Shelter Animals
When we were kids, we would always sit drawing different pictures that our Family would keep and stick on the fridge. Were they masterpieces? Absolutely not. But of course you were still proud of our efforts and our family would love them regardless.
However this one young boy from Russia puts all our art to shame! His master-pieces are way better than any scribbles we ever did! Not only that, he donates money he earns from his paintings to buy food and supplies for animal shelters.
9 year old Pavel Abramov from Russia is dedicating his time to help stray animals by painting personalized pet portraits for people.
The sheer talent and the intricate detail he puts into his paintings far surpass his age. His work is truly incredible!
Pavel with the help of his mum started a project, called “Kind Paintbrush”. He started in memory of his pet Barsik, after being obviously saddened by his death, he wanted to help other stray animals in need.
Instead of asking for cash payments however Pavel asks his ‘customers’ to donate. Whether that be kilograms of meat, porridge, or other supplies that the local shelters need at the time, in exchange for painted portraits of their beloved pets.

When he is commissioned to make a piece, he works solely off of a photograph of the pet. Amazingly, he knows all of his subjects by name and often has a chance to meet them after he completes his painting.
What first started off as a small local project has grown into something much much bigger. Pavel’s stunning artwork now hangs in homes across the world. But whats so inspiring is he has done amazing work for the charities that he supports.
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