8 People Who Gave Their Tattoos a Second Chance ……The Results Are Amazing!
There are so many reasons why people choose to cover old tattoos, whether it be regret, bad workmanship, or just fancy a change. Not only that, just like everything else tattooing skills have advanced so much, there are some amazing artists out there that can add some much details, It’s unbelievable. Either way, tattoos are pretty permanent so it can be hard to get the right cover up without making the situation worse. These people below have decided to not get rid of their bad tattoos entirely, but instead, give them a second chance and just a bit of a revamp.
We have to say all the results are amazing, check them out below!
1.This basic leaf tat has had a serious upgrade with these beautiful peonies.

2.I’m sorry, Mary who? What better way to cover an ex’s name than adding Marge Simpson!

3.This wolf tattoo and gone from tragic to epic, this artist is seriously talented!

4.Love that this portrait has been able to have a glow-up. The end result is much more realistic especially the hair.

5.Another wolf tattoo transformation. From literally no detail to serious detail, and all still in black and white!

6.This running cactus man was very flat and basic, thankfully a tattoo artist has been able to add some much needed depth and really brought the cactus man to life.

7.The old hulk tattoo looked like it had seen better days, a splash of colour has brought this hulk onto another level.

8.While the original owl was cute, this after picture is just brilliant.

Source – Reddit
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