5 Brain Itching IQ & Riddles With Answers
This is a list of IQ question that will make you think. Some of them are pretty simple, but it gets tough as you move forward. You will have answers to every question so don’t worry.
Question 1
What always stays hot even if you put it in the fridge or the freezer?

ANSWER :What always burns your tongue? It is pepper!! Even if you freeze the hottest pepper in the world, it will still be hot!
Question 2
What do you call a bear that doesn’t have any ears?

ANSWER: The right answer is “B”. If you take “ear” away from the word “bear” the only remaining letter is “B”.
Question 3
The more you take away from this thing, it only gets bigger. Do you know what is it?

ANSWER: The answer is a hole. You take dirt from it and it becomes bigger.
Question 4
Can you think of any word that would still sound the same even if you removed the first, middle, or last letter from the word?

ANSWER: EMPTY! If you take away the first, middle and the last letter it still sounds the same, “MT”.
Question 5
You have a drawer with socks. In that drawer, you have four black socks, eight brown socks, two white socks, and 8 tan socks. You don’t have a light in that room, and you have to choose in a complete darkness! How many socks do you have to pull out of the drawer to get a match?

ANSWER: There are 4 different colors so you would need only 5 socks to pull out at least one pair of the same colored socks.
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