15 Things We All Do In The Shower

15 Things We All Do In The Shower

15 Things We All Do In The Shower That Doesn’t Include Washing Yourself

Showering is like a little break from life, it’s your optimal time to have some quiet alone time to yourself in private. And so you can find yourself with time to do some pretty random things while no one is watching. Below we have listed some of the things we are sure everyone does from time to time…

1.Catch water in your mouth and spit it back out like a fountain
2.Ponder all of life’s great mysteries
3.Accept Your Academy Award
4.Dance like there’s no tomorrow
5.Sing your heart out

6.Think of great comebacks you could have used in your last argument
7.Replay all your decisions in life and wonder what might have gone differently.
8.Just sit on the floor of the shower and let the water wash over you.
9.Keep increasing the water temperature to see how hot you can stand the water
10.See how much water you can cup in your hands,then let it go like a dam opening

11.Dream of what you would do if you won the lottery
12.Try out new hairstyles with your shampoo  and wet hair
13.Watch the water drops race down wall and the first drop to reach the bottom is the winner
14.Make a beard bubble
15. Clean the actual shower while cleaning yourself at the same time.

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