12 Extremely Embarrassing Architectural Fails …Number 10 is Hilarious!
Being an architect is a pretty tough job. There is little room for any mistakes, and any errors that are made will be on display for all to see for as long as the thing you designed is standing. I guess from the large amount of stairs fails that they are one of the trickiest things to design? These stair pictures are always up to something, except of course, for when they aren’t and they don’t lead anywhere.
We hope these building fails are inclined to brighten your day. Or maybe, they will drive you up the wall! That’s enough puns from us, enjoy!

This is just one of many stairs leading to nowhere good!

I would hate to be driving down this road in the middle of the night.

I think they’ve gone a bit over kill with the drains here, surely one would have been enough?

That’s one way of keeping your money safe. There is no way anyone can get their hands on it all the way up there. It will certainly stop you spending it.

Another stair case to nowhere, but this time you’d be alot more annoyed after climbing all those steps.

This is living hell for a perfectionist.

I would love to have been there when the person had the ‘bright’ idea to just cut a chunk out of the door! There is no way Id enter that bathroom, there’s literally no privacy!

They was setting themselves up for a fail straight away!

I hope this sink is not part of the bathroom we saw earlier with part of the door missing. Why you’d need a tap that long anyway is beyond me.

This one has me wondering what came first? The door or the stairs? I hope whoever exits that way has prior warning or they’ll definitely be taking a trip to the emergency room.

At least the builders can say they followed the plans to the exact detail.

This one isn’t actually architecture, but it’s still an epic fail none the less! How did anyone let him go ahead and paint this before spell checking it first? ooops!
You’ve just read, Extremely Embarrassing Architectural Fails. Why not read Manager Had To Hire A New Employee.